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Greek Structure

Companies Limited by Shares

A Greek Company Limited by Shares (Societes Anonymes) must have the following organization structure pursuant to Law 4548/2018:

  1. A Board of Directors (in Greek: "Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο") only.

Limited Liability Companies

A Greek Limited Liability Company (in Greek: Εταιρεία Περιορισμένης Ευθύνης”) must have the following organizational structure pursuant to Law 3190/1955:

  1. Administrators (in Greek: ''Διαχειριστές'') only.

Please see, respectively, ''Board of Directors'' and “Administrators” in the left side menu for a more in-depth description of each structure, including how to change the respective board members.

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Bernitsas Law has provided all input about changing board members in Greece. Bernitsas Law is a market [...] leader in the provision of commercial law services in Greece and one of the largest firms in the country.

We count industry frontrunners, listed and private companies, supranational, global and national entities and corporations, and small and medium sized enterprises from all the major industry sectors among our clients.

For more information about Bernitsas Law and changing board members in Greece, please use the below contacts:

CONTACT: Linda Vasaka
TEL: +30 210 361 5395 / +30 210 339 2950
EMAIL: lvasaka@bernitsaslaw.com
WEB: www.bernitsaslaw.com