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Board of Directors

The Board of Directors (“BoD”) is the only mandatory governing body of a Swedish private Limited Liability Company (“LLC”) according to the Swedish Limited Liability Companies Act. The Managing Director (“MD”) is generally optional in private LLCs.


Division of Duties: The BoD has a general competence to take care of all matters related to the administration of the Company, unless such duties have been specifically asigned to the General Meeting (“GM”) or the MD. The BoD is responsible for the administration of the Company and the appropriate organization of its operations. The BoD is also responsible for organizing the appropriate supervision of the Company accounts and finances. If the Company shall appoint an MD, he/she is appointed by the BoD. In addition, duties of the BoD includes e.g. to represent the Company in all matters within the Company’s line of business, make decisions of unusual nature or major importance and to convene the GM.

Composition: The number of ordinary and deputy BoD members, or the maximum and/or minimum number of members is set out in the Articles of Association (“AoA”). A private LLC can elect less than 3, but at least 1 BoD member. At least half of the BoD members must have his/her place of residence in the European Economic Area, unless the Swedish Companies Registration Office (in Swedish: “Bolagsverket”) grants an exemption. If there is more than 1 ordinary BoD member, a Chairman of the BoD shall be elected. All BoD members must be physical persons.

Appointment/Dismissal Competence: The BoD members are appointed and dismissed by the GM of the Company by a simple majority of votes. The BoD members may be dismissed by the GM or may resign at any time. The term of a BoD member shall end at the time of conclusion of the annual GM following the appointment, but BoD members can be re-elected 1 or several times.

Alternates: In private LLCs if there are less than 3 ordinary members, there shall be at least 1 deputy BoD member. A deputy BoD member will replace the ordinary BoD member if the ordinary member is prevented to participate in the BoD Meeting.

For a description of how to change the respective board members, please see the individual steps in the "Step-by-Step"-schedules below. As all information on how to change board members in Sweden on the CBM Site by nature is generic (i.e. does not include specific requirements for listed companies, special requirements in statutory documents or as otherwise stipulated in any type of special law), we strongly recommend seeking legal advice with Advokatfirman Lindahl before actually changing any board members in Sweden.

Step Action Documentation Signatures? Timing Originals? Notarization/
Waiver of

Convening of GM.

Convening notice.


As set out in the AoA.



Yes, if all Shareholders consent.

The notice shall be sent to all Shareholders whose addresses are known to the Company, unless otherwise set out in the AoA.

Please note that special provisions apply to Public LLCs.



Minutes of the GM.

Yes, to be signed by the Secretary and the Chairman of the GM (unless the Chairman is also elected as Secretary and a person is elected to verify the Minutes).

At the date stipulated in the convening notice (unless waived, cf. Step 1).



Yes, if all Shareholders agree to pass a written unanimous Resolution.

If the Chairman represents all Shares at the GM, no person to verify the Minutes has to be elected.

The appointment will be effective from the conclusion of the GM deciding on the appointment, unless the GM decides on some other point in time.


Filing with the Swedish Companies Registration Office.

(i) Application in written form;

(ii) Copy of Minutes/ written Resolution.

Yes, application to be signed by the MD or any ordinary BoD member.

Filing without undue delay.

Yes, application form to be filed in original and Minutes/written Resolution to be filed in certified copy.



Information needed in respect of each new BoD member; (i) non-Swedish citizens: PDF copy of passport and home address, (ii) Swedish citizens: personal identity number (in Swedish: “personnummer”).

Step 1
As set out in the AoA
Step 2
0 days
Step 3
Without undue delay

As set out in the AoA + without undue delay

Step Action Documentation Signatures? Timing Originals? Notarization/
Waiver of

Convening of GM.

Convening notice.


As set out in the AoA.



Yes, if all Shareholders consent.

The notice shall be sent to all Shareholders whose addresses are known to the Company, unless otherwise set out in the AoA.

Please note that special provisions apply to Public LLCs.



Minutes of the GM.

Yes, to be signed by the Secretary and the Chairman of the GM (unless the Chairman is also elected as Secretary and a person is elected to verify the Minutes).

At the date stipulated in the convening notice (unless waived, cf. Step 1).



Yes, if all Shareholders agree to pass a written unanimous Resolution.

If the Chairman represents all Shares at the GM, no person to verify the Minutes has to be elected.

The dismissal will be effective from the conclusion of the GM deciding on the dismissal, unless the GM decides on some other point in time.


Filing with the Swedish Companies Registration Office.

(i) Application in written form;

(ii) Copy of Minutes/ written Resolution.

Yes, application to be signed by the MD or any BoD member.

Filing without undue delay.

Yes, application form to be filed in original and Minutes/written Resolution to be filed in certified copy.



Step 1
As set out in the AoA
Step 2
0 days
Step 3
Without undue delay

As set out in the AoA + without undue delay

Fee quote

Advokatfirman Lindahl has provided all input about changing board members in Sweden [...]

Advokatfirman Lindahl is one of Sweden’s largest law firms with extensive and broad transactional experience, including mergers and acquisitions, banking and finance, capital markets, and real estate. Lindahl also has cutting-edge competences in intellectual property, life sciences, technology, telecommunications and dispute resolution. Lindahl has approximately 400 employees, of which two thirds are lawyers.

For more information about Advokatfirman Lindahl and changing board members in Sweden, please use the below contacts:

TEL: +46 766 170 890
EMAIL: carl-olof.bouveng@lindahl.se
WEB: www.lindahl.se